Witch Trials

Two documentary filmmakers and an ex-cop investigate the disappearance of a young girl that is rumored to have been abducted by a witch in the haunted woods of Connecticut.

Witch Trials (2022) | Trailer | Shawn C. Phillips, Monique Dupree, Greg Nutcher

Director:Christopher M. Don
Cast:Caite Basdeo, Christopher Casillas, Lisabeth DeLucia, Chewie Don, Christopher M. Don, Kimberly Don, Robert Don, Tommy Dreamer, Monique Dupree, Robert Ferdinand, Thomas Fritz, Gilda Gelsi, Alexis Gerics, Megan Jennings. Mike Levinson, Melanie Worsencroft Marshall, Greg Nutcher, Shawn C. Phillips
Runtime:109 min
Channel:Watch Movies Now!

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